Deva , str.Gheorghe Doja , nr.17 , cod postal 330040 - Phone: 0767167373;0763041000 - Email:

Service Details

METROPCS USA - Decodare Oficiala Android (Mobile Device Unlock app)

Delivery Time :
12-24 Ore
Price :
Details :

Refund available if code is not found
No refund for bad requests
Working on Business days only
It's mandatory with "MetroPCS Device Unlock App" Service to check BEFORE place your order that your phone show "Not Eligible for Unlock" error.
If instead you have the error "Server not responding" this mean your phone is not even able to communicate with MetroPCS Server (Communication Error)

You need to fix this problem before order since we do not accept complaint / refund request about this specific error.
However we do have some tips to get rid of this error:

1 - Make sure you use the original Stock ROM from MetroPCS since it will not work if you flash your phone with any custom Firmware from T-Mobile, CyanogenMod, or even an Unbranded ROM.
2 - However make sure you're using the last version of MetroPCS Firmware for your Cell Phone.
3 - Finally (after upgrade) perform a Hard Reset on your Cell Phone (you'll find Hard Reset method on: or check on YouTube).
4 - Turn off 3G/LTE and force the use of a local WiFi Hotspot.
5 - Make sure you use home Wifi (and not a public/company WiFi since they might use firewall, vpn, etc... that will trouble communication)

If none of these recommendations work for you, then we don't have solution.
If you find a way to fix this problem with another method, please let us now so we can help better our community.

Warning: Do not use this service to Unlock IMEI from T-Mobile USA as you will receive a NOT WORKING CODE and you won't be able to claim for a refund ! T-Mobile USA is not supported, only MetroPCS is supported so do not waste the time of our supplier sending Junk IMEI as you will end wasting your money.

In case of problem unlocking your phone after delivery:

- Click verify button on web page 

Ask us by email for FIX (we will perform one free FIX without asking for Video Proof)

- If after fix, the phone is still locked, then please contact us by email to get the UNIQUE reference code we will ask you to show in the video (to make sure the video was recorded AFTER we fix)

We only refund for "NOT ELIGIBLE FOR UNLOCK" issue, we will not refund any complaint about "Communication Error" or "Server not responding. please try again later.". It is mandatory to check before ordering if your phone have "Server not responding. please try again later." issue. If the answer is yes then you can try to fix this error by performing a hard reset on your phone, or upgrading his firmware. Again make sure your phone can communicate with "Device Unlock App" server BEFORE place your order.